April 10, 2013

Dean's analysis of County Budget

Posted by Admin On 4/10/2013
In reviewing the 2014 County Budget I was glad to see the BOS recognize that the citizens are at the top of the organization chart, now if they only listened!

Education is an economic incentive and it is time to treat it with respect. On pages 27-28 it is noted that 31.5% of the population is under 19 years old and some 63.8% of the population have some college education and or degrees. 

The County budget process is outdated. For years, the county administrator, under Supervisor’s orders, generated a school budget by subtraction from revenue estimates that totally ignored the legally submitted School Board budget. 
Pages 56-57 shows a Fund Balance of $55.6M with $29.6M as undesignated. That surplus grew by $21.1M over the last 2 years by grossly underestimating revenue that Supervisor Stimpson boasts as “savings” in her run for higher office. It is also far greater than the car tax revenue surplus.

The fiscal impact of future budget projections on schools is even more disturbing.

On page 265, the 5 year budget model lists school operating funding as $109M for FY14 and $118M in 2018. That 5 year increase of $9M is less than the $19M deficit this year and will likely not cover external cost drivers for a single year. 

Furthermore, you can’t make up daily operating expenses with borrowed school construction bond funds as Supervisor Milde seems to believe based upon his Sunday FLS Op-Ed. 

Both Board’s CIP priorities are clearly out of balance with CURRENT school needs. 
There are 31 capital projects underway that by 2018 will increase county operating expenses by $2.8M, meaning even less for schools.

On page 349 we see $18M in 2016-19 for courthouse streetscape improvements (tree planting and sidewalks) to be followed by a $27M in FY19-21 (pg 323) for a courthouse addition. That’s $45M in “pretty projects” further taking away from education. 

On pages 369- 370: With 200 students on a head start waiting list there is no new facility planned until 2023 and only the start of a long overdue CTE facility. 
On page 374: Our HSs are at capacity and there will be 3 or 4 trailers at CFHS next year yet the $8M expansion isn’t even scheduled until 2019. 

Actions speak louder than words and both boards’ budget and CIP priorities spell a continuing decline in SCPS ability to provide a 21st century competitive education.

Virginia Education Association
