I just attended my first VEA state convention and I wish I hadn't waited 25 years to go. Three main lessons I learned by attending: first, "Democracy is alive and Well", second, we have a group of young professionals ready and wanting to lead, and third, educators around the state share the same concerns and want to make learning fun and affective again!
The convention is run by parlimentary procedures to make sure everyone is able to debate and discuss issues. While watching and listening to state wide delagates participate in the discussions it amazed me how the organization is really a lesson in democracy. Delegates stood at microphones around the ball room and fully participated in debating issues. It was fun to listen to the different opinions, but even more fun when an issue was evenly divided. Everyone participates, whether you speak or not, with voice calls or standing for a closely contested vote. This wasn't like a "faculty meeting" where teachers are worried about offending or "rocking the boat" of school administration. Everyone could speak honestly, professionally, and with ferv0r on issues they care about and without judgement. Also, if you haven't heard those southwestern teachers dialect it's worth the price of admission!
The number of first year delegates and especially young educators participating was inspiring to see and hear. If you are a less experienced teacher and afraid to speak up, don't be! The convention was full of young professionals who want change and aren't afraid to speak up. We have a lot of bright and enthusiastic professionals throughout the state. If you feel like you need an organization that listens and "values you" , think about participating in VEA convention next year. Teachers are great to hang out with too.
Lastly, the things I learned by attending are too many to list. Issues from the governor's race and upcoming elections, Standard 7, SOL testing, state funding, and learning about the organization of VEA are just a few of the things I came away with. I feel more strongly than ever that VEA is an organization that honors and values teachers. I also left knowing public school teachers will not go down without a fight. VEA teachers are united for students and educators.
Next year I highly recommend you attend the conference for the first time if you have not gone. It's a lot of fun, interesting, and makes you feel important.