June 20, 2013

Susan Hogge, House Appropriations Committee Legislative Fiscal Analyst, presented an "Overview of FY 2014 Compensation Summary for School Divisions (http://tinyurl.com/ko9rb5x)." Slide 7 of the report shows the raises in each school division for FY 2014. It appears that all but 12 divisions will be taking advantage of the 2% salary incentive funds we fought so hard to gain. Slide 10 shows how each division is implementing the transition of the cost of the 5% employee VRS contribution from the employer to the employee. For example, Accomack is now at 0/5. This means they have shifted the full 5% to the employee for the FY 2014 year, and completed the transition. York is 2/3 for FY 2014 – the employer is still paying 2% while the employee is paying 3%.

Virginia Education Association
