SEA leadership would like to thank all members and nonmembers who postponed signing contracts and contacted School Board members allowing the time to gain the necessary clarification regarding our salary increases. We met with several individuals on Friday afternoon and now feel comfortable with the increases reflected in the contracts you have received. Where the confusion began was is in the way the line items in the budget spreadsheet documents were labeled. If you look back at all the budget spreadsheets Document #1 line 5 (labeled 2% Salary Increase – Scale Enhancement) has a dollar amount of $3,684,226 in column option #5 with a heading of 5.5% increase. On Document 2 under option May 15 line 5 (with the same labeling) has a dollar amount of $1,842,113 with a heading of 4.5% increase. Each option after this stayed with that dollar figure of approx. 1.8 million. Since the label for line 5 did not change and we did not question the difference in the dollar amount, we did not catch the fact the 2% governor increase in January 1, 2014 had changed to a 1% increase beginning July 1, 2103. SEA leadership has been invited to come to the Finance office with any questions we have regarding future budget documents as soon as they are made public.
If you wish to check the amount on your contract before you sign it, you will want to look at the Adopted Salary Scale for 2012-2013, find the level one above where you were for this past school year and add 2% to that listed amount. That should be the amount on your contract for 2013-2014. A step increase is an average of 2.5% but not everyone will see that amount. If you would like to know what percentage increase you personally got, take the contract amount for 2013-2014 and subtract your contract amount from 2012-2013. Divide that amount by your contract amount for 2012-2013 and multiply by 100. This will give you your percentage increase. Hope this helps and do not be afraid to contact us with questions or concerns.
SEA has learned through this year’s budget process the need for the budget to be developed with a more collaborative approach amongst the Board of Supervisors, School Board, and Central Office staff. Changes to the recommended budget need to be openly stated and highlighted ensuring that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of what is being proposed. Lines of communication have been opened and developed which hopefully will lend itself to a more positive budget process.
Again thank you for your support, the many speeches given, the numerous emails sent, and the abundant meetings attended throughout the budget process. If you are not a member of SEA, please consider joining us as there is truly strength in numbers.
SIGN THOSE CONTRACTS and have a good summer.