Subject: Responding to events in Oklahoma--Donation site established
I wanted to bring you up-to-date on the Association’s response to yesterday’s devastating tragedy in Moore, Oklahoma.
Earlier today, I reached out to state and local leaders in Oklahoma with a message of condolence and offer of support. If you have seen the news reports, you know that already there are stories coming in of the lifesaving actions of staff members. I told them that the courage and commitment of their members is a beacon in this extraordinarily difficult and tragic time.
Just an hour ago, the Oklahoma Education Association announced that they have established the OEA Tornado Disaster Relief Fund to assist members affected by the tornado. Lela Odom, OEA Executive Director, reports that anyone can go to the following link to contribute: You can also reach the link from the OEA website at “Continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers,” she adds.
OKEA has more than 1,000 members in the Moore school district and 2 locals – Moore Association of Classroom Teachers and Education Support Professionals of Moore. Plaza Towers Elementary school was leveled and lives were lost. Highland East Junior High, Briarwood Elementary, and the Administration offices are badly damaged, Odom reports.
Please do all you can to assist those in Oklahoma dealing with the aftermath of this tragedy. I will keep you posted on updates from the OEA and NEA.
Meg Gruber
VEA President