Last night the SEA of RED prevailed! The Board of Supervisors introduced several adjustments to their previously crafted budget. In the original budget, we might have seen a 2% COLA mid-year but the Sea of Red and its supporters came out and MADE A DIFFERENCE. Enough of a difference that four supervisors went back to the table and made adjustments. With the adjustments they recommended:
A 1% VRS trade off
A 2.5% step increase
A 2% COLA in January
And coverage of the Health Increase
They also recommended keeping SHS as a rebuild and were able to lower some taxes.
However, it is not time to celebrate yet. Last year, when our actions resulted in a smaller increase, none of the increase went towards compensation. The school board has the final say in where the money goes. It is their turn to return to the table.
We need to remind them that:
We came out in force to support increased funding. I honestly believe without our SEAs of Red and the emails you and others sent as well as the letters to the editor they would not have received any additional funding.
They said salaries and retention were the priorities. Now, you may hear, no it was a competitive salary scale which we can’t do because we didn’t get the 4% VRS. Well, we didn’t get everything, but we need to capitalize on what we did get and use that money as intended.
If they do not use the money as intended, this will be the second year in a row which will make it nearly impossible to get people out in support and quite frankly will have the BOS thinking twice about giving them any extra in the future years.
Morale is low and employees are struggling to make ends meet. Now is the time to do right by us.
We need you one more time to come out in force. We need numbers and speakers at the school board meeting (date to be announced). Wear your Red! And start writing those emails. IF the BOS could do, so can the School Board!
If you need talking points please visit Facebook or our blog. Again, thank you for your membership and voice!