February 10, 2015

Your Students Need You Now!

Posted by Admin On 2/10/2015
This email was sent to local presidents, the VEA board of directors and staff on Feb. 6, 2015-

77 percent of Americans believe that increased testing has either hurt or made no difference in improving schools. Take Action Now.

- 2013 PDK/Gallup poll of public attitudes toward public education
Since adopted 12 years ago, No Child Left Behind has made no significant progress in closing achievement and opportunity gaps for students. Instead, it has perpetuated a system that delivers unequal opportunities and uneven quality to America’s children making it impossible for educators to do what is most important: instill a love of learning in their students.

Now, you have an opportunity to shape the discussion.
Right now, Congress is rewriting this law, the cornerstone of federal education — also known as the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, or ESEA. That’s why we need your help right now.

Will you take a moment to stand for a new vision for public education? We need you to stand with us and tell representatives to shift the focus back to student learning and opportunity, and away from testing, labeling, and punishing schools. The more people who sign, the more Congress will see that educators and voters like you are paying attention so they’ll have to do what’s right for all our students.  We must make sure Congress gets it right this time.

Thank you for speaking up for students,


P.S. If you want to go the extra mile, please ask your friends and colleagues to sign as well by forwarding this email. Every single signature will count!

Meg Gruber
VEA President
116 S. Third St
Richmond, VA 23219
Fax: (804)775-8379

Every decision that affects public education was first a political decision.

Virginia Education Association
