February 20, 2015

SEA Officer Elections

Posted by Admin On 2/20/2015
It's time to prepare for SEA elections.  This year we will choose officers for several association leadership positions, which are listed below.  Are you an SEA member who has special skills in math or writing?  Are you someone who can organize and lead other members?  If so, please consider sharing your skills by running for one of these offices.  Contact Theresa Thompson, thompsontc@staffordschools.net, before Friday, March 13, 2015.

Vice President
  • Editor of SEA newsletter
  • Meet with committee chairpersons to discuss committee activity
  • Attend SEA Executive Board meetings once a month
  • Attend Building Representative meetings once a month
  • Attend School Board & Board of Supervisor meetings as necessary
  • Perform other duties as determined by SEA Executive Board
  • Attend SEA Executive Board meetings once a month
  • Attend Building Representative meetings once a month
  • Attend School Board & Board of Supervisor meetings as necessary
  • Edit membership records as needed, and pay SEA's dues to VEA and NEA
  • Keep records of funds and distribute funds upon authorization of Executive Board
  • Keep accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements, to be reported to SEA membership
  • Prepare and submit annual association budget for SEA Executive Board's approval, which will be presented to SEA membership
  • Keep SEA Executive Board informed of financial condition of the association
  •  Attend SEA Executive Board meetings once a month
  • Attend Building Representative meetings once a month
  • Attend School Board & Board of Supervisor meetings as necessary
  • Keep accurate minutes of all SEA Executive Board and Building Representatives meetings
  • Assist SEA President with association correspondence

Are you interested in using your skills to help SEA,
but aren't quite ready to become an officer?
Then get your feet wet - volunteer to help on one of our projects!

Virginia Education Association
