February 9, 2015


Posted by Admin On 2/09/2015
On Friday, Feb. 6, 2015, at 5:12 P.M., Meg Gruber, VEA President, released the following information.

I have an update and good news to share regarding the issue of the Virginia Department of Education’s release of Student Growth Percentile (SGP) information. As you know from prior communications, the VDOE had planned as of last Friday to release SGP information, including the names of teachers and schools, on February 5. That release would have compromised the privacy of thousands of Virginia teachers in grades 4-9.

VEA staff and I have been working each day this week to protect our members’ interests in this matter. We have advocated with every major player in this drama and forcefully and successfully made our case. We have hit the law books and are working with our allies.

And as of today the planned release of SGP data accompanied by teacher names has not occurred.

That is a credit to the VEA’s advocacy and effort—and a credit also to the rightness of our cause.

Breaking news. I am pleased to tell you that, with expert assistance from the National Education Association Office of General Counsel, VEA Attorney Dena Rosenkrantz filed a motion just an hour ago with the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond.

That motion asks the Court to allow VEA to enter the case as respondents to safeguard the interests of teacher-members. It notes that the SGP records are exempt from disclosure under the personnel records exclusion. And it argues that SGP measures are misleading and unreliable as an indicator of teacher quality or performance.

We believe our motion will provide additional time to build support for our position that release of these records is injurious to our fine teachers. We are simultaneously reaching out to key Virginia officials in government, as well as partners in the K-12 arena, to find a way to fix the loopholes that resulted in this situation in the first place.

We cannot allow this travesty to stand.

Thank you, as always, for your commitment to our members, our students, and to public schools. I will keep you informed of developments.


Meg Gruber
VEA President
116 S. Third St
Richmond, VA 23219
Fax: (804)775-8379

Every decision that affects public education was first a political decision. 

Virginia Education Association
